Fundraising for the Barossa to Tamworth Charity Bike Ride has already had a boost with Team Penning Australia chipping in $4000 towards the ride with funds from their event held at the Australian Equine Livestock and Events Centre in September.
Team Penning Australia president Bob Lee said the organisation wanted to support a Tamworth service and one close to their hearts.
"A lot of our horse riders have used it and this is where we live," he said.
Team Penning Australia said they would donate money to the service every year and that this year's event was to become the first of many major events for them.
**As of today there are six cyclist spots available and three support crew spots available on the Charity Bike Ride. Riders will depart Tamworth on Tuesday March 3 and the Ride will begin in South Australia's Barossa Valley on Friday March 6 with a maximum of 30 riders and 10 support crew **